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If you think reading is boring, you haven't read a book written by Stella Agwor. Her stories are relatable, and her lessons are practical to apply.
Hear from my mentees.
"I learned a lot from my mentorship session with Stella Agwor, including how to set aside negativity and mistakes from the past and develop a God-centered mindset. She also gave me book recommendations that helped me change the way I thought about myself and the people in my life. I am truly grateful for the support I received from her."
"Thank you greatly my dear Stella for the tremendous push and editorial guidance for the on going writing of "My Life Story" an autobiography from infancy through catechetical, primary, secondary, college, university education and Adult experiences. Indeed, your push continues to prompt me to recall what took place in the past and what I did throughout my life."
"I remember when I shared with Stella that I was writing a children book at a passion book writers club, which she facilitated. Immediately, she showed interest. I remember our zoom call where she also shared her children's book illustrations ''Just Say It Ziba" and we talked at length and henceforth she began to encourage and support me. Stella's words and teachings made me believe in my self and she has been an impactful mentor to my writing journey