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Stella Agwor: Inspiring Lives, Cultivating Wholeness...

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These world-class organisations are already having the Stella's experience!


World-class Speaker, Writer, Grief Specialist, Identity and Wholeness Mentor.

Unlock your true potential, embrace your journey, and find solace in the wisdom of Stella Agwor. As a beacon of hope and inspiration, Stella Agwor is not just a speaker – she's your guide, encourager, coach, grief counselor, and mentor on the path to identity and wholeness.

I deliver customised keynotes, panel discussions, and workshops for organisations and schools. Contact me for a list of available topics.

My passion lies in crafting stories that ignite imaginations and uplift both children and adults.

My mission is to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth so you can embrace your true essence and live a life filled with meaning, connectedness and purpose.

Loss has touched my life deeply. I lost my mother at a young age, my first daughter, and experienced the heartbreak of miscarriage. Through these profound losses, I also learned the power of healing and resilience.

These experiences ignited a passion in me to support others navigating grief. I've spent the last 15 years supporting grievers on their journeys, and I'm now a licensed Edu-Therapy™specialist.

Helping one person at a time may not change the world, but it could change the world for one person...

Stella Agwor is your passionate guide, speaker, writer, and uplifter on a mission to help you unleash your potential and experience wholeness. Whether you’re seeking clarity on your life’s purpose, healing from past hurts, or simply needing a dose of inspiration, I’m here for you.

How can I empower you?

Identity Unveiling

As an Identity and Wholeness Mentor, I guide individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery. We'll uncover your strengths, explore areas for healing, and connect your talents to a fulfilling life.

Grief Specialist

Loss is a part of life, and sometimes it can feel incredibly isolating. I provide a compassionate space for you to heal from past wounds, embrace your vulnerabilities, and find solace on your path to wholeness.

Inspiring through My Words

I love weaving my thoughts and experiences into captivating talks, heartfelt books (for all ages!), and workshops. My aim is to spark something within you - a newfound sense of purpose and strength.


Schools Toured

6K+ 6K+

Lives Impacted

One of my passions is igniting a fire within the people around me, helping them find their identity and become all they were created to be.

Services Provided


Hear from my mentees.

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+44 7896 636342
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